Scouting locations in areas that you are somewhat familiar with is not really hard, but what if you travel to a new city. Where and how do you find out where to go??? First of all, do your homework before you go there.. Use the web to get you pointed in the right direction. I usually start by looking at other peoples pictures. This will somewhat give you a clue as to what you will want to shoot in the new area. Doing a search in Google images, or Flickr is a good start. Now grant it you don't want to take the same kind of shots, but it gives you an idea of what is available to shoot. After you have found the location to shoot, check to see which direction the sunrises, and sets. It is best to shoot a new location at sunset so that you familiarize yourself with the area before dark. I always like to come back to the same location for sunrise, but now it is dark, but I already know the area, and can get my gear setup for the shot that I want. Then I scout for other new locations during the day when the light is harsh, and repeat the whole process again. Use mid-day to get something really good to eat, because you will be out shooting while other people are having breakfast, and dinner. I hope this helps you to find some really cool locations..
In the last blog I talked about how we photographers view our camera equipment. This week I would like to talk about how the general public views our equipment. How many times have you showed someone an image that you took, and they said "wow, what a nice photo. You must have a really nice camera." WHAT!!!! Isn't it funny how photographers are never praised for their skills in photography. When a mechanic fixes a car they are not asked about what kind of tools they have. Artist are never told they must have had great brushes, and paints to have made that art, but us photographers always have to hear "what kind of camera did you use". I am here to set the story correct. A good photographer can take an outstanding picture with the simplist camera imaginable. We have trained our eyes to see things differently, and we also know how to compose, and what makes a good image. For me as a photographer, I get the most joy out of making images using the simplist equipment. I am beginning to look at this "what kind of camera" statement differently. Now when I hear this it makes me chuckle, knowing that I must be learning the art of photography. So remember the next time you get a good tasting meal to compliment the chef on the pots, and pans.
What I am going to talk about today is what the camera manufactures do not want you to hear. Most every photographer believes that if they just had better, and newer equipment that this would make them become a better photographer, and their pictures would look so much nicer. THAT IS SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH!! New equipment might make certain task easier, but it won't help you to become a better photographer. If you don't believe me rent the camera gear that you are thinking of buying, and see if it instantly makes you a better photographer.. I had to learn this lesson also.. We all feel this way!! Take the money that you would have spent on a new camera, and put it towards your education of photography. Learn more about composition, exposure, and post processing. Now this WILL make you a better photographer, and bring you more work, and more money so you can buy nicer equipment down the road.. Besides, customers don't care what gear you have, they just want good pictures. Now get out there with the gear that you already own, and become a better photographer.
I use this blog to what I hope inspires photographers to go out and make better images.. Sometimes we learn by watching others, and what they have done.. I am always looking for different videos that show new techniques, and new perspectives at looking at things. With the birth of cameras such as the Go-Pro's and other small cameras we are getting to see subjects like we have never been able to see before. These are great cameras, and the quality is so good, and getting better. These are the cameras that I am using on the RC aircraft that I am building. I came upon this video, and was floored by the story that this film projects. These are WILD animals, and this gentleman has become the Lion Whisper. Who would think we would be able to ride from a camera on the back of a wild lion. I hope you enjoy this video. This is also another video showing the power of these small cameras.
For most of my life I have had 2-passions that has stuck with me to this day!!! Other hobbies has come, and gone, but these two passions has stayed by side for as long as I can remember. The first passion of course is photography. I enjoy it so much. It lets me be creative, and I get to look at things in a different way. The second passion is flying radio controlled aircraft. This passion has taught me how to think like an engineer. I generally get an idea, and build it to see if I can get it to work.
I believe 2014 is going to be an exciting year here at Scott Maze Photography. I am combining my 2 passions. Photography on an RC aircraft. Now I will be able to see subjects from a totally new perspective, and hope to share it here with all of you. I am in the process of building what is needed to do this. I hope in the future I can have workshops, and webinars on teaching photographers the art of RC aerial photography, and construction. Stay tuned, and get ready for takeoff!! I would like to thank all of people that follow me on this blog page.. I hope it helps your photography in some form or another. I hope it inspires you to get out and start taking pictures. Thru the year we are taking pictures of landscapes, portraits, or whatever you enjoy taking pictures of. I suggest in the next couple of weeks to leave all that until 2014. I saw this video, and It shows how special the holidays are. The landscapes, and portraits will be waiting for you, but for now go make family memories. God bless everyone, and Merry Christmas.
OK, I need to step it up on getting more blogs out. My goal was to have a blog out once a week. That was a reasonable goal to start. For some reason I have been unable to achieve that goal. Here we are almost to a new year, and I will try my best to stick to the goal. This will be my first new years resolution. I will be reviewing some plugin software, softboxes, monitor calibration equipment, and a whole lot more. I would like to make videos on some of these reviews, but have found it hard to do with one person, and to keep the quality that I would like to have. 2014 is going to be a BIG year for Scott Maze Photography, so come along for the ride!!!
I was just thinking the other day about what drives us as photographers.. Through the years I have had MANY interest. I can't really explain that.. Maybe I would just get bored doing something, and I would go on to another interest. Through all the years as interest would come, and go my photography always stayed with me. The only thing that I can come up with is maybe photography had so many levels that I never got bored.. One day I would be taking a picture of a sunrise over the ocean, and the next day I would be under the ocean taking pictures of the fish.. I saw this video from Sony, and it answered a lot of the questions for me. I enjoy chasing the light, and the lens is my third eye. I am trying to leave something beautiful, and the images are a gift to me. I hope you enjoy it, and it answers some questions for you as a photographer as well.. Most of my post here are to inspire you to get out and enjoy photography.. At least that is what I hope.. There really is something magical about a photograph. Lets think about it.. Pictures are the first things that people want to save when something bad happens in their life.. I know because I evacuated from hurricanes. When people return back to their houses after a tornado, fire or other disaster they are hunting for pictures.. That seems to be one of the most important items in their life after getting their families safe from the disaster.. A photograph holds SO much.. That moment in time that can't be brought back.. Think about how much your pictures mean in your life.. They are priceless.. They are packed full of memories.
This old Kodak video really hits home to me, and validates the importance of a photograph.. I REALLY like it and want to share it with everyone.. A picture talks and says, Keep me, Protect me, Share me, and I will live forever.. There are alot of photo opportunities in your hometown, such as city parks, landmarks, and zoos just to name a few. There are always pictures waiting everywhere, and you should take advantage of all that your city or state has to offer. Even if you have shot a location before go back and look at it differently. Maybe it is a different time of day, and the sun is at a different angle than the last time you was shooting in the area.. SOMETIMES you just need to spend the money, and put a special location in front of your lens. Alot of the great photographers has already figured out this concept. Look at your favorite photographers pictures, and you will find they have searched out some of the most beautiful places on earth.. I know this sounds weird, but there are certain locations on this earth that can help improve you photography.. YES, it takes skill to capture a fantastic image, but it also helps to point the lens into the direction of something pretty.. Now get out there and capture some FANTASTIC images...
Scott Maze PhotographyArchives
November 2015