Scouting locations in areas that you are somewhat familiar with is not really hard, but what if you travel to a new city. Where and how do you find out where to go??? First of all, do your homework before you go there.. Use the web to get you pointed in the right direction. I usually start by looking at other peoples pictures. This will somewhat give you a clue as to what you will want to shoot in the new area. Doing a search in Google images, or Flickr is a good start. Now grant it you don't want to take the same kind of shots, but it gives you an idea of what is available to shoot. After you have found the location to shoot, check to see which direction the sunrises, and sets. It is best to shoot a new location at sunset so that you familiarize yourself with the area before dark. I always like to come back to the same location for sunrise, but now it is dark, but I already know the area, and can get my gear setup for the shot that I want. Then I scout for other new locations during the day when the light is harsh, and repeat the whole process again. Use mid-day to get something really good to eat, because you will be out shooting while other people are having breakfast, and dinner. I hope this helps you to find some really cool locations..
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November 2015